NORM Survey
The NORM Survey typically refers to a study or assessment focusing on "Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials" (NORM). These materials contain radioactive elements like uranium, thorium, and potassium that are present in the Earth's crust. Natural background radiation comes from the ground, building materials, air, food, and cosmic rays. Depending on where you live, levels of this type of radiation can vary. Radiation readings above typical background radiation levels may indicate the presence of NORM. Determining the type of material present is essential to assess what, if any, precautions need to be taken with the material. This process is called characterization.
Radiation surveys used for characterization should be conducted by personnel trained in radiation safety or by external consultants to determine if the suspect material is NORM or man-made radioactive material. NORM surveys are often conducted in industries such as oil and gas, mining, and mineral processing where these materials may be encountered as by-products or contaminants. These surveys aim to assess the levels of radiation and potential risks associated with NORM exposure to workers, the environment, and the general public. They involve measuring radiation levels, identifying sources of NORM, and implementing measures to control or mitigate exposure where necessary.
NORM surveys are essential for ensuring safety and compliance with regulations in industries dealing with radioactive materials.